The annual post is a tradition, so here I am again to reflect on the year that is ending, as a personal exercise more than anything else.
In hindsight 2015 feels primarily like a year of stability for me and my family. We lost a beloved pet (whose time had come), but not any human family members. I'm still working at the same job where I started in 2014. We took over a craft fair in summer, but that was organic growth and not a disruptive shift. I hunted down and consumed mushrooms like usual. We continued work on our house that has been on the to-do list since we moved in five years ago. I ate all the food.
I wrote about my one big change of producing inventory and tabling as an artist at my craft fairs, although even that activity seemed inevitable and a long time coming. I was a session presenter at this year's bushCON which was fun and exciting but also a repeat of my talk from Ignite. Compared with last year there were no big surprises and no unwelcome changes. There were also no grand adventures or incredible discoveries... just life, well-lived. And that's OK. The older I get, the more I appreciate this kind of peaceful co-existence and natural personal development.
Hopefully it's been a good year for you too. Love always and peace,