Ignite Talk: Passion Projects

I was one of 20 speakers at the 6th Ignite Minneapolis event at the Riverview Theater. Remember when I did my Pecha Kucha Night presentation back in (holy crap) 2009? This is like that. 20 slides, 15 seconds each, for a total 5 minutes of terror.

No actually it was a lot of fun! I used my complimentary +1 ticket to bring along fellow Ignite speaker Micah Vono for moral support. The building was packed. I watched the first ten speakers from the audience, then we split for an intermission, and I got to kick off the second half.

The great audience energy carried me through my whole presentation. I got some applause and some laughter, especially from this slide, which popped up on Twitter a few times. It was an amazing experience. I'm already planning my next talk!


Msuekrueger said...

Love the slide you made and now I'm searching for A YouTube video of your talk! Sounds like it was a hit. Plz post it since have hit dead end looking.

Andy Krueger said...

They haven't been posted yet, but I will update when a video is available.